Well folks it has been awhile since I have posted. We have been a bit busy with the human agenda. I wanted to share with you what Raven shared with me. She actually snuck it in the house after her last "outside" call of the night. This was in June I believe. She ran straight to her kennel in the play room. I thought, "awh..she is trained so well..." The light was off so I did not see the friend she brought in with her.
The next morning I thought I smelled an ODD smell and let her out first to go potty quickly....
She ran out quickly all right with a dead rat in her mouth. She had "mouthed" it all night, but never bit through the skin. We dont use poisons so I was not worried, but she sure stunk.
I praised her and told her I was VERY PROUD of her for being good ratter. We have seen no rats since and with Ravens help she directed us to the nests unders our tool shed.